Wednesday, October 27, 2010


With technology rapidly changing and evolving, the classrooms are becoming more and more technology advanced as well.  One of the new and exciting technologies used in most classrooms today is the SmartBoard.  It is similar to a white board in the fact that a person can actually write on it but it must be wrote on with a special style marker.  DO NOT USE ANY OTHER MARKER OTHER THAN THE SPECIAL ONE DESIGNED FOR IT.  It is also like a projector.  You can use it to display powerpoint and other things.  the SmartBoard can be interactive in the way that a person can actually touch the board to move things and make things happen.  It is one of thne best technology intergrating tools avaliable on the market for classrooms today!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Michael. I really liked your blog on the SMARTboard. I think you really put what it is and how it functions in layman's terms very well. Also, good job on putting in the bit about the markers and not using actual markers. I did my first blog post on SMARTboards too and didn't even mention that (we used the same picture, haha!). Anyway, I think you're right, it's a great tool. They're fun and entertaining. It would be great if all classrooms had one.

    Great job!
